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Christophe Lefèvre

14 route de Crogis - Le Mont de Bonneil - 02400 Bonneil

GPS coordinates : Latitude 49.011 Longitude 3.341

Telephone : +33 (0) 3 23 82 15 67

E-mail : champagne.lefevre02400@orange.fr

Website : www.champagne-bio-lefevre.com

Social Media : Facebook : Champagne Christophe Lefèvre / LinkedIn : Champagne Christophe Lefèvre

Organic certification commitment date : 2003

Year certified organic wines first appeared on the market : 2008

Portion of vineyard certified as organic (AB)/Total surface : 100% (4,3 ha)

Certified AB (organic) grape varieties : Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay

Presentation :

Bonneil is a tiny hamlet overlooking the Marne Valley between Château-Thierry and Charly sur Marne.

Our 4.30 hectares of vineyards face full south and the richness and diversity of the soil lend themselves to some magnificent blends.

70% of our vines are Meunier, 20% Pinot Noir and 10% Chardonnay.